The ECO fire safety training unit of competency involves the skills and knowledge required to work within the command, control and coordination structure of an Emergency Control Organisation (ECO).
An ECO's priority is the safety of facility occupants and visitors during an emergency which means ECO members are responsible for pre-emergency, emergency and post emergency actions. It includes undertake pre-emergency planning, taking appropriate actions in an emergency and assisting with post emergency activities.
The unit has been developed to cover the facilities as specified in Australian Standard (AS) 3745 and AS4083. For this unit, as covered by AS3745 and/or AS4083, occupants are people attending a facility on a permanent or temporary basis such as an employee, contractor, student or resident, but not a visitor or patient and a facility is a building, structure or workplace that is, or may be, occupied by people (occupants).
All aspects of the unit must be undertaken in accordance with legislative requirements, organisational policies and procedures and accepted safe practices. It applies to members of an ECO who are floor or area wardens and/or wardens or deputy wardens.
Operate As Part Of An Emergency Control Organisation Course Summary
applying Work, Health and Safety (WHS)/Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements
assisting occupants who may require assistance
assisting with post emergency response activities
complying with legislation, industry standards, codes of practice and regulations
contributing to facility emergency planning
giving clear directions to occupants and visitors
implementing safe work practices
initiating and controlling initial emergency response
responding to emergency signals and warnings
taking on a leadership role within emergency control organisation and/or a deputy role for other emergency control organisation positions
undertaking pre-emergency planning
using communications systems
wearing required emergency control organisation identification
Onsite Fire Training
Training is delivered onsite to meet the needs of your organisation.
After hours fire safety training sessions are available
Option to combine this training with PUAFER006 and/or PUAFER008 fire training courses
Training Duration
3 hours face to face
Maximum 15 participants per session